Municipal Funeral Agency
The Municipal Funeral Agency helps and supports you when you are trying to cope with all the formalities associated with a death. For this purpose we are available to you both day and night together with the employees of the Municipal Funeral Agency. The Municipal Funeral Agency is also able to fulfill complex individual or special wishes.
Our employees are available to you day and night by telephone on 0351 – 43 93 600 or by email to
We are available face to face from Monday to Friday from 7.30 a.m until 6 p.m and on Saturday from 8 a.m until 3 p.m at Löbtauer Straße 70 in 01159 Dresden.
Services of the Municipal Funeral Agency
- Support and advice when registering a death
- Procurement of the death certificate
- Help and support for the completion of all necessary formalities and de-registration from official bodies and authorities
- Digital legacy - Internet research for existing customer accounts and de-registration from social networks
- Advice on types of funeral
- Agreement of schedules for laying to rest at municipal cemeteries and church graveyards
- Conveyance throughout Germany and abroad
- Hygienic care for the deceased person
- Arrangement of funeral orators and musicians for funerals
- Arrangement of floral decorations, death notices, memorial books, memorial videos and much more
- Individual advice for funeral planning and agreement of an extremely personal planning contract with financial protection
You have the opportunity to pay your respects to the deceased person in our chapel of rest at Löbtauer Straße 70. The room seats 25 people. You can arrange the funeral with a casket or urn here. We will arrange decoration of the room and decoration of the urn or casket in line with your wishes. An employee will be available to provide you with individual support throughout the period.
A contact person from our advisory team will be available to assist you with all funeral-related matters via the telephone number 0351-43 93 600.
Possible types of funeral

Burial involves laying the deceased to rest with a casket which will be laid in the ground once the desired funeral has taken place.

Cremation involves the incineration of the deceased in a casket in the crematorium. The ashes are placed in an urn later on. A funeral for the deceased can take place either before or after the cremation. Various types of grave and forms of committal are possible for the urn.

Burial at sea
Following cremation, the urn with the ashes of the deceased is sent to the shipping company. The laying to rest occurs outside the three mile zone in areas of the sea designated for this purpose. The ceremony takes place in absolute silence or in the presence of relatives if desired. Following laying to rest the relatives will receive a nautical chart indicating the place of laying to rest.
The Municipal Cemeteries
There are various areas for select burial and urn plots at the four municipal cemeteries. The cemetery administration will explain the style guidelines to you when you acquire a plot.
Services of the cemeteries
- Issuing and extension of rights of use for graves
- Issuing schedules for funerals, laying out and laying to rest
- Advice on questions relating to use of the grave and cemetery
- Provision of a wide range of different grave types and grave areas for the various forms of laying to rest
- Carrying out of casket and urn funerals in chapels and designated rooms with subsequent laying to rest
- Laying out of the deceased so the relatives can pay their respects
Cemetery administration
Employees are available to answer any questions which you may have relating to the cemetery in the cemetery administration office. Relatives can find out about the possibilities for laying to rest and different types of grave when they register. The location for the grave is selected together with our employees. The employees can also provide information on cemetery rules, burial places and general information.
The special feature of the Heidefriedhof is its individual quarters which are arranged with large, natural pathways and rows of plants. The chapel at the Heidefriedhof seats 80 people. It is equipped for funerals with caskets and with urns. The chapel of rest seats 15 people. Relatives can pay their respects to the deceased with the casket open or closed in the large chapel.
Address Heidefriedhof:
Moritzburger Landstraße 299, 01129 Dresden
Telephone: 0351 - 8498958
Telefax: 0351 - 8314976
Possible burial plots at the Heidefriedhof

Selected trees are located at the edge of the cemetery by which up to four urns can be laid. The plots are acquired for a period of 20 years with an option of extension. The owners of the plot can place one or two small horizontal monuments on the area around the tree while ensuring that roots are protected.

Circular areas are divided into four circular segments around selected trees in certain areas within the cemetery. Each segment is a select urn plot for up to two urns. A small, horizontal monument up to 0.25m² can be fitted in line with the cemetery rules for the purpose of naming. The plots are acquired for a period of 20 years which can be extended for a further period following expiry or a second laying to rest.
Urnenhain Tolkewitz
Urnenhain Tolkewitz is a forest cemetery and a cultural memorial with a historical, artistic, ecological and landscape significance. The cemetery’s chapel has space for 120 people, making it suitable for large-scale funerals. The chapel of rest provides the possibility for taking leave of the deceased with an open casket. A room with 12 seats is available for a small group of mourners.
Address Urnenhain Tolkewitz:
Wehlener Straße 15, 01279 Dresden
Telephone: 0351 - 2510055
Telefax: 0351 - 2502674
Possible plots at Urnenhain Tolkewitz

Those with the right of use are free in the selection of grave size and material. Gold lettering, polish and pictures are permitted on the memorial stones. The plots may be given borders and also have gravel or crushed stone added. The right of use may be extended once the initial period of use expires.
Friedhof Dölzschen
Friedhof Dölzschen is the smallest communally administered cemetery. It is bordered by expansive silver linden trees and it offers a magnificent view of the city of Dresden. The chapel has room to seat 80 people and it is equipped for funerals with caskets and with urns.
Address Friedhof Dölzschen:
Friedhofsweg 1, 01181 Dresden
Telephone: 0351 - 8498958
Telefax: 0351 - 8314976
Possible plots at Friedhof Dölzschen
The Nordfriedhof is located in the Dresdner Heide. Its attractively arranged grave areas, abundant plants, large trees, impressive array of birdlife, beautiful pathways and benches make the cemetery a very special place.
The chapel and chapel of rest of the Heidefriedhof are available for funerals.
Address Nordfriedhof:
Kannenhenkelweg 1, 01099 Dresden
Telephone: 0351 - 8498958
Telefax: 0351 - 8314976
Possible burial plots at the Nordfriedhof
The Crematorium
The crematorium is among the most up to date in Europe and it makes a contribution to a contemporary and dignified culture of laying people to rest. There is the possibility of participating in the cremation. A separate area with room for four people is available for this purpose.
Services of the crematorium
- Cremation in line with the current state of technology, also possible clothed in cotton
- The cremation can be attended in a ceremonial atmosphere
- Daily public health inspections
- 24 hour access for undertakers, including Sundays and public holidays
- A modern transfer room is available free of charge
- Delivery by one person possible (5 a.m until 9.45 p.m)
- Cremation within two to three working days
- Quick cremation possible
- Urns can be sent anywhere in the world